American Song Contest 2022 - Deltagere Tenelle
Full Circle SAMOA SA American Samoa

Musik og tekst:
Full Circle
Ali Dee Theodore, Anthony Mirabella III, Benjamin Briggs, Bianca Sperduti, Kerry Clisby, Nikki Sorentino, Sergio Cabral, Susan Paroff, Tenelle Luafalemana, Trent Foisia

33-årige Tenelle Luafalemana har samoa'nske rødder, selv om hun voksede op i Californien. Hun har udgivet 7 singler siden 2013, tilligemed ét album der nåede til toppen af 'the Billboard Reggae hitlister i 2017.

American Song Contest
Tenelle deltog i den femte delfinale i American Song Contest og kvalificerede sig til semifinalerne via juryens og seernes stemmer. Hun deltog i den anden semifinale, hvorfra hun kvalificerede sig til finalen via seernes stemmer.

I finalen blev American Samoa og Tenelle sammenlagt nummer 7, efter at blevet nummer seks i tv-seernes afstemning og nummer 9 hos juryen.

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Full Circle

Pray for the ones that we got
And blessed by the ones that we've lost
Pray for the ones that we got
And blessed by the ones that we've lost

Life is so beautiful, give things every day, ey
Time's not the usual, our struggles are not the same
Because fighting for who I love
I can't let anyone try to take it
My blood and my tears like stain,
The path I paved with pain
Because respect is earned, we can
Expect with turn if we can
Correct and learn, let's bring about change
And show 'em their worth.

Pray for the ones that we got
And blessed by the ones that we've lost
Pray for the ones that we got
And blessed by the ones that we've lost

Opdateret d. 12.5.2022