Eurovision Song Contest 2023 - NYHEDER
Eurovision Song Contest 2023

Eurovision Song Contest 2023 vil sandsynligvis blive afholdt i Storbritannien
EBU: Ukraine frataget værtsskabet for Eurovision 2023

Dato: 17. juni 2022
EBU har i dag bekræftet, at Ukraine ikke vil blive vært ved den 67. udgave af Eurovision Song Contest, der skal afvikles i maj måned 2023. I stedet er EBU i forhandlinger med britiske BBC om at Storbritannien, som nummer to i konkurrencen, kan overtage værtsskabet.

Som vinder af Eurovision Song Contest 2022 skulle Ukraine traditionen tro overtage værtsskabet for Eurovision 2023. Men grundet krigen med Rusland og efter diskussioner mellem EBU og UA:PBC er det nu besluttet, at dette ikke vil være muligt. EBU takker i en pressemeddelelse UA:PBC for deres helhjertede samarbejde og engagement i at udforske alle scenarier i ugerne efter KALUSH Orchestra’s sejr den 14. maj i Torino og deler deres sorg og skuffelse over, at næste års konkurrence ikke kan afholdes i Ukraine. EBU har støttet UA:PBC på tværs af en lang række områder siden invasionen.

Som en følge af dette har EBU nu påbegyndt diskussioner med den britiske tv-station BBC om potentielt at afholde den 67. udgave af Eurovision Song Contest i Storbritannien, der blev nummer to i årets konkurrence.

Det er ikke første gang at BBC overtager værtsskabet fra en vinder, der ikke selv er i stand til eller ønsker at afvikle arrangementet. Det skete også i 1960, 1963, 1972 og 1974. Inklusive de fire gange Storbritannien var vært efter selv at have vundet konkurrencen, bliver det således niende gang at Storbritannien bliver Eurovision vært.

  • 1960: London (Royal Festival Hall)
  • 1963: London (BBC Television Centre)
  • 1968: London (Royal Albert Hall)
  • 1972: Edinburgh (Usher Hall)
  • 1974: Brighton (The Dome)
  • 1977: London (Wembley Conference Centre)
  • 1982: Harrogate (Harrogate Conference Centre)
  • 1998: Birmingham (National Indoor Arena)
  • Andre lande, der har overtaget værtsskabet efter en anden vinder, er Tyskland (1958) og Holland (1980). I 1970, hvor der blev udråbt fire vindere, blev Hollands værtsskab afgjort efter en lodtrækning mellem Holland og Frankrig; de to øvrige fælles vinderlande Storbritannien og Spanien strak sig frivilligt, efter at have være værter i hhv 1968 og 1969.

    Erklæringen fra EBU lyder således i sin helhed:

    Following their win at the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) in May the EBU has been exploring options for the hosting of next year’s competition with Ukraine’s public broadcaster UA:PBC, who previously staged the event in 2017 and 2005.

    It has become a well-known tradition that the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest hosts the competition the following year, providing certain criteria including ensuring the viability of staging the event and the safety of all stakeholders, including the public, are met.

    Given the ongoing war since the Russian invasion of this year’s winning country, the EBU has taken the time to conduct a full assessment and feasibility study with both UA:PBC and third-party specialists including on safety and security issues.

    The Eurovision Song Contest is one of the most complex TV productions in the world with thousands working on, and attending, the event and 12 months of preparation time needed.

    Following objective analysis, the Reference Group, the ESC’s governing board, has with deep regret concluded that, given the current circumstances, the security and operational guarantees required for a broadcaster to host, organize and produce the Eurovision Song Contest under the ESC Rules cannot be fulfilled by UA:PBC.

    The EBU would like to thank UA:PBC for their wholehearted cooperation and commitment in exploring all scenarios in the weeks since Kalush Orchestra’s win on 14 May in Turin and share their sadness and disappointment that next year’s Contest cannot be held in Ukraine.

    The EBU has been supporting UA:PBC across a whole range of areas since the invasion. We will ensure that this support continues so UA:PBC can maintain the indispensable service they provide to Ukrainians.

    As a result of this decision, in accordance with the rules and to ensure the continuity of the event, the EBU will now begin discussions with the BBC, as this year’s runner up, to potentially host the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest in the United Kingdom.

    It is our full intention that Ukraine’s win will be reflected in next year’s shows. This will be a priority for us in our discussions with the eventual hosts.

    Links: Eurovision Song Contest

    Opdateret d. 28.9.2022